

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Words.........just some things to think about

We all have our own problems. We all have our hard times that feel like they will never be fix. That nothing will ever go our way that the world is out to get us. That no one understands that no one gets what we are going through. We all find times when the decisions put in front of us are hard to bear and feel as if there is nothing that could possibly make things better. Crying helps for only a brief moment and then the eyes get swollen, red and hurting…

What’s next then? The bitterness, the absolute hate, the raging anger of things not working, things not going your way and who is to blame? Most times we turn to those closest to us, the ones we love are most times the ones easiest to be angry at….. But sometimes we blame and direct the anger to ourselves; or we do both!

In hard times and times of major decisions we turn to our friends, to our family and to our Heavenly Father. How good are we at that? We have set in our minds and sometimes hearts what we are going to do and for most it is really hard to let go and see the other options to see both sides.

Your friends are going to be there, or they will not. Friends they come and go and who knows what will happen tomorrow….however they are there for you when you are in the crying stage, and even in the bitterness. They will be there, they will tell you what you want to hear, they will make you feel better about yourself and things will be ok. Even at times our friends will tell you what they want… if it affects them of course. Cause let’s face it we are all here looking out for ourselves.

Our families they are there whether you like it or not and let me just tell you, they are not going anywhere sweetheart so you might as well just get use to it right now. They will tell you things, and most the time they have you in mind but again, people are looking to what will most benefit them. Sometimes we feel like we talk to our families and they are just not supportive in anyway or at least it feels like it.(maybe you should look at yourself and figure out if you are being a brat....)None the less they are suppose to right, if you want to dig a hole to China, they are suppose to say; “sure you go right ahead and try it out.” Right? That is what they are there for.Then when we need help they are there to pick us up after that hole to china doesn't work. They do love you and want what is best for you, remember in High School when you didn't think they knew, and it turns out they get High School. Well here is a secret... they know about College too......

And then last but certainly not least, our Loving Caring Heavenly Father who is there for us waiting to help us, if we are willing to let go to get rid of the issues and go to him, turn to him and ask. “Knock and ye shall receive.” Knock with an open heart of course!

So now what…. A HYPOTHETICAL situation, you have a girl who did a really good thing by going to get some really great experience that was not paid. Now what? Well life costs money…. And so work is the way to get money…. School is expensive however is necessary for the end goal. To get a good job and make MONEY! So what will it be, stop the schooling process and go work making loads of money, or stay at school and gain that education, sure debt is a bad idea however…. 3 semesters will not be hard to pay off.Right?

What to do…… if you ask your friends they will tell you to try so hard to find some jobs and work hard and get things taken care of. If you ask your family chances are they will just tell you what is up, that money is far more important than a freakin’ life and to suck it up and be depressed for ONLY 4 months go back to school at a time you know no one… and just get back into it…like school is the only part of college. Then the hard one…. And what’s the answer to that? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Prayer, Fasting, and all that good stuff...... the hardest part you will find about all of this is.....putting aside your wants and let what needs to be done, be done.

Life is hard... get a helmet, but sometimes helmets break and just don't work.

Good Luck, Stay Strong, and know the world is not actually out to get you.... but just to test you and it keep in mind, it is nothing you can't handle....your Heavenly Father wouldn't do that to you.

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